Leading Self Workshop
Effective leadership requires understanding who we are and how our values, personality, and attitude influence our tikanga [behaviour]. This workshop will help you develop self-awareness and gain a better understanding of your authentic leadership style.
This workshop is not just designed for individuals in formal management roles. You don’t need a title to be a leader. Most of us show leadership in small ways every day, and how effective we are as a leader starts with how we lead ourselves. To support this process, this practical workshop is supplemented by your completion of our Deeper Signals Personality questionnaire which will provide you with insights into your personality and how you show up as a leader.
What: 4-hour Workshop plus 2-hour group session
Access: Te Whatu Ora Waitaha | Canterbury and Te Tai o Poutini | West Coast employees
Time: 6 hours total
Level: Leading Self
Professional Development Equivalent: 8 hours
Koru Behaviours: Self-aware, Resilient and adaptive, Honest and Courageous
Enquiries to: learninganddevelopment@cdhb.health.nz
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